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Traditional Plastics Take Hundreds of Years to Break Down in a Landfill. 

Serüm Plastics Take 8-10 Years.

Plastics need to break down within 2-50 years in order to contribute to the gas-to-energy process. Serüm Plastics are made for this.

The Modern Landfill captures gases from decomposing waste and turns them into renewable energy. 

Serüm Plastics Decompose
within the time frame that these landfills are managed. 

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Landfill Gas-to-Energy Facilities

are powering the United States today.

How It Works

Designed to break down after disposal.



Our products are made with our special additive which allows them to be disposed of in active microbial, anaerobic environments (modern landfills). This means that our products are not oxo-degradable and will not begin to decompose outside of these oxygen-deprived environments. 


The Break Down

Once our products are in a landfill, microbes will gather around them and secrete enzymes. When these enzymes make contact with one of our products, the plastic's polymer chain will completely break down within a few years of disposal. This process normally takes hundreds of years with traditional plastics.


No Micro Plastics

This results in a complete biological break down of the product. Which means the decomposed product leaves behind only water, humus, and gas. This gas is then collected and used as an alternative energy source, allowing for true circularity through energy recapture.

Our Internationally Recognized Certifications and Standards

ASTM D5526

Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under Accelerated Landfill Conditions

ASTM D5511

Determining Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under High-Solids Anaerobic-Digestion Conditions

ISO 14021

Verification of Recycled Content

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